2023 How Sweet it is: Hypertension and Diabetes

These sessions are included in the on-demand 2023 Summer Conference (47th Annual) package.  This bundle includes three lectures (3 CME total): 

  • Continuous Glucose Monitoring in Practice
  • Cardiac Risk Factors, Blackjack and Bayes’ Theorem
  • Making Sense of SGLT2 Inhibitors and MRAs: Where to Use in Everyday Practice

 NCAPA is unable to refund or credit learners for expired courses.  Be sure to pay close attention to the expiration date for each course.  


All CME lectures within this bundle must be completed by their EXPIRATION DATE of August 25, 2024.  CME is not accessible after this date, which is one year from the conference dates not the purchase date.  

Seminar Information
Seminar Date:
September 18, 2023
Continuous Glucose Monitoring

Continuous Glucose Monitoring is making a big impact on diabetes care – and patient outcomes. Learn more about the practicalities of bringing CGM into your practice and making it work for your staff, your colleagues, and your patients. At the end of the presentation, participants will be able to:

  1. Prepare the clinical practice for CGM. 
  2. 2Understand options available to the practice for professional and personal CGM. 
  3. Locate and interpret CGM data, using the Ambulatory Glucose Profile (AGP) to assess if the patient is achieving targets established by the International Consensus on Time in Range. 
  4. Modify the treatment plan based on CGM data to improve patient outcomes.
Speaker Information
Scott Urquhart PA-C, DFAAPA   [ view bio ]
Cardiac Risk Factors, Blackjack and Bayes’ Theorem

This comprehensive lecture will delve into the latest recommendations on high cholesterol, hypertension, smoking cessation, and diabetes. Get insights into primary and secondary prevention of cardiac risk factors, discover the major risk factors behind first myocardial infarction, and learn about the best practice clinical application of society recommendations.  Attednees will: 

  1. Understand how pretest probability assists us in patient care (Bayes’ Theorem.)
  2. Review the diagnosis of hypertension, secondary hypertension and first line medications.
  3. Understand the diagnostic criteria for diabetes (NIDD) as well as initial medications.
  4. Review the evidence for optimizing a patient quitting smoking.
  5. Evaluate hypercholesterolemia and treatment options.
Speaker Information
John Bielisnki MS, PA-C  [ view bio ]
Making Sense of SGLT2 Inhibitors and MRAs: Where to Use in Everyday Practice

Emerging data surrounding SGLT2 inhibitors and MRAs exists, but uptake remains low. This talk will discuss the current clinical evidence and supporting guidelines.  At the end of this session, attendees will be able to: 

  1. Identify gaps in current treatment of cardiovascular disease.
  2. Discuss the pharmacokinetics of SGLT2 inhibitors and MRAs.
  3. Discuss latest guidelines and emerging data surrounding SGLT2 inhibitor and MRA utilization.
  4. Develop new clinical strategies to help their individual patients with cardiovascular disease and CKD associated with type 2 diabetes mellitus.
Speaker Information
Brian Rose PA-C, MPH, AACC  [ view bio ]
Individual topic purchase: Selected
American Academy of Physician Assistants
Category 1 CME : 3.00
2023 How Sweet it is: Hypertension and Diabetes
NCAPA Price:$60.00