2024 Empathetic Care

These sessions are included in the on-demand 48th Annual/2024 Summer Conference package.  This bundle includes four lectures (4 CME total): 

  • Reproductive Justice: Disparities in Care in 21st Century America
  • Problematic Sexual Behaviors in Children
  • Let’s Talk about Sex! (Your Patients Wish You Would)
  • Providing Extraordinary Clinical C.A.R.E. (Connection, Access, Respect, and Empathy) in Extraordinary Times


NCAPA is unable to refund or credit learners for expired courses.  Be sure to pay close attention to the expiration date for each course.  


All CME lectures within this bundle must be completed by their EXPIRATION DATE of August 23, 2025.  CME is not accessible after this date, which is one year from the conference dates not the purchase date.  

Seminar Information
Seminar Date:
September 11, 2024
Reproductive Justice: Disparities in Care in 21st Century America
This lecture considers the current issues regarding reproductive justice in the United States, including access to obstetrical care; abortion services; in vitro fertilization; contraception; and oncologic care. It will consider the particular challenges facing marginalized patients, including Indigenous, Black, and queer individuals.
Speaker Information
Elijah Salzer  [ view bio ]
Problematic Sexual Behaviors in Children
While it can be difficult for many adults to admit, children start to exhibit sexual behaviors from a young age. While social norms may require that we address or redirect these behaviors, they are often quite normal and/or typical. Alternatively, there can be problematic behaviors that may even cause harm to other children. When this occurs, the child who is exhibiting these behaviors may wrongly be labeled as a predator/perpetrator. Often, the assumption is that the initiating child must have been sexually abused themselves. This lecture aims to discuss how to know what is "normal" and what becomes more worrisome, how to address these issues with caregivers, and when and how to refer all involved children for the appropriate treatment.
Speaker Information
Meredith Harding-Bremner  [ view bio ]
Let's Talk about Sex! (Your Patients Wish You Would)
Inclusive and Trauma-Informed Strategies for Increasing STI Testing and Prevention
Speaker Information
Wren George  [ view bio ]
Providing Extraordinary Clinical C.A.R.E. (Connection, Access, Respect, and Empathy) in Extraordinary Times
Recent sociopolitical divisions coupled with local and global conflicts lead to shifts in patient population demographics as well as perceptions. These recent patterns of change impact patients and providers in clinical care environments. This lecture will review recent demographic shifts in the United States population and analyze current statistics while highlighting inequities in care for persistently at-risk patients. By reviewing immigration and migration patterns in the context of cultural humility, identity concordance, acculturative stress, and compassion fatigue, participants will be able to explore best practices to enhance communication, connection and empathy with a variety of patient populations.
Speaker Information
Kenyon Railey  [ view bio ]
Individual topic purchase: Selected
American Academy of Physician Assistants
Category 1 CME : 4.00
2024 Empathetic Care
NCAPA Price:$80.00